Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For the fun of it?

On my long rides into work, I've been trying hard to get the trip down to an hour and a half—one way. On Tuesday, I made it to work in 1:30 and home in 1:36 (close enough).

But this morning I realized that all this pushing has taken some of the fun out of cycling. It has become more like a job, or a goal to be reached.

I'm all for goals, but this morning, I decided to switch my goal back to having fun. A good ride means I enjoy myself—even if it takes an extra 10 minutes.

The morning ride was hard anyway, but in the afternoon, my new perspective worked. I had fun.

On the ride home, I thought about poetry and the plethora of rejections (including the one I got today). Although they come with the territory, they can get demoralizing. I write poetry because I love to write and something in me needs to write. I enjoy it.

Then there is the publishing part. Could I let go of the goal of getting published and just submit for the fun of it?

It seems so counter to our culture. And necessary. And worth trying, at least.

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