I'd love recipes, but I'll settle for an answer to the following question:
did you make the lavender ice cream or do your grocery stores on the opposite coast carry such wondrous creations? Down here in South Florida, we're lucky to find pistachio in the regular grocery store.
Heat 1 1/2 cups heavy cream and 1 1/2 cups half & half, along with 3/4 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of honey, until it begins to boil. Remove it from the heat, and add 10-12 fresh lavender spears (just the flower part, not the long stem) and add a little vanilla. Cover it, and let it rest for 30 minutes. Strain it and chill it (it needs to get really chilled). Then freeze it/churn it in your ice cream maker.
Joannie Kervran Stangeland writes poetry and the Poe-query blog. Her new book, Into the Rumored Spring, was published by Ravenna Press. Joannie's also the author of two chapbooks--A Steady Longing for Flight (winner of the Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award) and Weathered Steps (Rose Alley Press). Her poems have also appeared in The Midwest Quarterly, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and other publications.
I'd love recipes, but I'll settle for an answer to the following question:
did you make the lavender ice cream or do your grocery stores on the opposite coast carry such wondrous creations? Down here in South Florida, we're lucky to find pistachio in the regular grocery store.
I made it, and it's really easy.
Heat 1 1/2 cups heavy cream and 1 1/2 cups half & half, along with 3/4 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of honey, until it begins to boil. Remove it from the heat, and add 10-12 fresh lavender spears (just the flower part, not the long stem) and add a little vanilla. Cover it, and let it rest for 30 minutes. Strain it and chill it (it needs to get really chilled). Then freeze it/churn it in your ice cream maker.
Thanks for the info--I plan to try your recipe this summer.
Good golly---I don't even like pie, and I'm about ready to eat my laptop screen.
I think I may like pie. Or your pies, Joannie.
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