Friday, December 19, 2008

Yesterday's weather

It's been a busy week, what with waiting for snow and watching the snow and working from home and bouncing around for shopping and cocktails. All very festive.

Not a lot of writing—poems or cards. Although I'd like to. In the flurry of the season, I long to curl up and create—something, anything (not that I can; I just want to). But I'm trying to go with the flow and enjoy the season and the snow.

How about you? How do you balance writing and revelry, or do you save your creative energy for the new year?

1 comment:

Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells said...

love the snow & christmas lights.

I have been writing poems. I think I did so much sledding with my daughter this week she got tired of it and wanted to stay in today !! Too funny.

I started a couple poems today, though I'm not sure if they will go anywhere. I also put on my iPod and went for a walk in the snow listening to an interview with MaryJo Bang and her reading her poems.

I love to write in different seasons as that season's nature sneaks into my poems.

I rarely save creative energy. If I have it, I use it. ;-) And I think this cold weather and end of the season asks for me to curl up and write.